Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After 6 treatments with the S-P nosodes...

The last time I posted was after my 3rd treatment with the S-P nosodes. Since then, the 4th, 5th, and 6th treatments have come and gone. Still, I have experienced no noticeable improvement or reaction from any of the treatments. As such, I am disappointed to report that the Bionic 880 has failed to be an effective Lyme treatment for me.

Including the 6 treatments with the Desbio nosodes and the very first treatment at 25% power level, I had a total of 13 sessions with the Bionic in the last month and a half. I am quite surprised that I ended up feeling pretty much the same as when I started.

I am most grateful to Lady X and her family's accommodation for me in the past month and a half. I will now take a very short break before I get started with the Allergie-Immune drops later this week. I might re-visit the Bionic down the road, but most likely not before I try a few round of the AI drops first, which will be at least a few months (each round lasting about 1 month).

I will see if the AI drops are really as powerful as many attested. To that effect, I have started another blog to document my journey with the AI drops. It can be found here.

I really don't know if it is necessary to go to Germany in order to get some good results from the Bionic. Perhaps "mild" cases of Lyme would benefits from use of the Bionic without all the supportive therapy and the mother tincture offered at Dr. W's office in Germany. But for deeply entrenched cases such as mine, a trip to Dr. W might be the only viable option.


  1. Unless you use the live borrelia like Dr. W uses in Germany I don't think you will have much luck with the bionic to start with. With the live borrelia and i.v.'s he uses frequency 11.77 for 320 seconds at 100% power. He does 5-8 treatments with 2 days in between each.

  2. anonymous,

    where are you basing this information off of, besides this blogger's response?

    Just curious,

  3. Interested in hearing how you do with the allergy drops. How can I email you. Michael

  4. Hello - do you think you may need to adjust the protocol? Maybe it's not the same for everyone?

    I don't remember your full history. Do you really know if you have Lyme? There are also other things that can be present... For me, most standard lab tests were very inaccurate.

    Have you tried any form of energetic testing such as dowsing, Asyra or some of the others?

    This Lyme protocol may not be "one size fits all"...

    They also say that with some people it just doesn't work.


  5. Have you ever tried the LBG/ST8 from ELF Labs?

  6. Do you have the information on this doctor in Germany?

  7. Hey :) Can you please email me at sapphire@rogers.com? I would really love to talk to you, I live in the Guelph area and have Lyme really bad.
