Monday, March 9, 2009

I think it might be the herx...

Half way into the day, I think the heavy brain fog today is likely an indication that the Bionic treatment is up to something.  No crying spell or anything like that yet as warned by Lady X, but the heavy brain fog is unusual.  Normally I could sit in front of my computer throughout most of my days, but today I found that it is necessary to get away from it because my brain just couldn't quite take it.  

So I hope this is truly the effect of the Bionic treatment, but compared to the first treatment where the power level was only at 25%, I was definitely expecting more from the 100% power level treatment that I had yesterday.  I will continue to report how I feel in the hours and days to come.

Still not knocked out as I had hoped...

Upon getting up this morning, I felt my usual tireness and brain fog, though it is nothing out of the ordinary.  I am definitely fatigued, but then I couldn't tell if it has anything to do with the treatment, or just my usual symptoms manifesting themselves.  

I'm really hoping for a big whack over my head from the Bionic but I can't help but have doubts whether it will come, since I am so used to seeing treatments fail to yield any results.  The thought of the Bionic not working for me is very depressing, more so than any emotional herx could induce.

I started to wonder if it is because of the way I taped the nosodes to my body, which might not be the ideal setup because of the bigger vials that I had to use.  Lady X ordered some smaller and skinnier clear vials from eBay and is going to let me have some of them when they arrive, so I hope that would eliminate the uncertainty on that end.  But then, what if there is no result even after using those vials?  It is a depressing thought to say the least...