Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After 6 treatments with the S-P nosodes...

The last time I posted was after my 3rd treatment with the S-P nosodes. Since then, the 4th, 5th, and 6th treatments have come and gone. Still, I have experienced no noticeable improvement or reaction from any of the treatments. As such, I am disappointed to report that the Bionic 880 has failed to be an effective Lyme treatment for me.

Including the 6 treatments with the Desbio nosodes and the very first treatment at 25% power level, I had a total of 13 sessions with the Bionic in the last month and a half. I am quite surprised that I ended up feeling pretty much the same as when I started.

I am most grateful to Lady X and her family's accommodation for me in the past month and a half. I will now take a very short break before I get started with the Allergie-Immune drops later this week. I might re-visit the Bionic down the road, but most likely not before I try a few round of the AI drops first, which will be at least a few months (each round lasting about 1 month).

I will see if the AI drops are really as powerful as many attested. To that effect, I have started another blog to document my journey with the AI drops. It can be found here.

I really don't know if it is necessary to go to Germany in order to get some good results from the Bionic. Perhaps "mild" cases of Lyme would benefits from use of the Bionic without all the supportive therapy and the mother tincture offered at Dr. W's office in Germany. But for deeply entrenched cases such as mine, a trip to Dr. W might be the only viable option.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Third treatment with S-P nosodes yesterday

I had my 3rd Bionic treatment with the S-P nosodes yesterday. I am somewhat disappointed at the lack of improvement to my symptoms so far, even with the S-P nosodes. There really isn't much to report, as there has been no drastic response to any of the treatments using the S-P nosodes.

The fatigue that I usually have as a result of Lyme has not been as debilitating in the last couple of days, but it is certainly within the range of the usual up's and down's of my Lyme symptoms. As such, I am not attributing anything to the Bionic treatments until more noticeable changes occur.

My plan is to do at least 3 more treatments with the S-P nosodes so I would have a full set of 6 treatments under my belt. After that, if a lack of symptomatic relief persists, I will take a break from the Bionic and move on to the AI drops instead.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Second Bionic treatment with S-P nosodes today

Had my second treatment with the S-P nosodes today. Still not much to report, although I was quite fatigued for most of the day on the day after my first treatment with the S-P nosodes. I'm not sure if I should make too much out of it, so I'll just leave it at that.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

First Bionic 880 treatment with Staufen-Pharma Bb nosodes

I received the S-P nosodes that I ordered from Germany in the mail yesterday. As such, I brought them over to Lady X's place for my first treatment with them this afternoon.

I prepared the S-P nosodes by lining them up and then taping them together, so I would just need to tape the whole batch to my solar plexus during the treatments. I placed the ampule with the lowest dilution (D5) at the center, and the ones with the highest dilution at the ends (D100 one side, D200 the other). This is the best I could do to mimic what Dr. W uses in his clinic in Germany, which starts with the mother tincture right at the middle of the solar plexus.

No major reaction during and after my first treatment with the S-P nosodes so far. I will post any significant reaction in the days to come.

On another note, I am encouraged to hear that two relatively high profile members of the chronic Lyme community will be going to Germany for the Bionic 880 treatment in the very near future. Both of them, Troy Cline and Connie Stasheim, have promised to post regular updates during their trip in Germany. In particular, Connie's blog can be found at:

I wish them the very best with the Bionic 880.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Results from LLMD visit

I was energetically tested with the Vega machine at my LLMD's office today. Here is a summary of the results:
  • No change in my Borrelia (Lyme) infection compared to 3 weeks ago
  • Mycoplasma disappeared from two organ systems (lungs and thymus) compared to 3 weeks ago
  • Still no sign of Babesia

The following organ systems are still affected by Borrelia:
  • Hypothalemus (brain)
  • Cerbrum regio motor (brain)
  • Liver
  • Thymus
  • Lympatic system

The following organ areas are currently affected by Mycoplasma:
  • Liver
  • Lympatic system

I am not at all surprised by the lack of shift in my Borrelia infection, though I wasn't quite expecting the disappearance of Mycoplasma from my lungs and thymus. I have never experienced any problem with my lungs or thymus since fallen ill some 6 years ago, so the results don't mean too much to me. Moreover, the results could merely be indicating that the Mycoplasma has gone dormant in those two organ systems, so I won't consider them as the final verdict until future tests reveal their absence on a consistent basis.

At any rate, it is a positive development nonetheless, as is the absence of Babesia once again indicated by the test. I am now confident to declare that the bottle of MMS that I consumed last year has eliminated my Babeseosis. This is no small feat in itself, considering neither 2 bottles of Mepron nor countless capsules of Artemisinin failed to cut it. This is a testiment to the powerful effects that MMS has on malaria-type infections. Too bad it is not powerful enough to kill the Borrelia spirochetes.

There was a part of me that was hoping for a miracle from today's Vega test showing that I am cleared of Lyme, or at least having it cleared from some of my organ systems, but that didn't happen. I wasn't disappointed or discouraged, however. As the Vega machine does not have the capability to quantify the infection level in my body, and I didn't have the S-P nosodes with me to serve as gauge, I cannot rule out the possibility that my Lyme bacterial load has been reduced over the 3 past weeks of Bionic use.

Later, when I sat down with my LLMD and talked to him about the test results, his thought is that it is certainly better to use the S-P nosodes that deal with only Borrelia, instead of using the Desbio nosodes which deal with Borrelia, Babesia, and Erlichia. Also, he thinks that the live vial or mother tincture (undiluted nosode) that Dr. W uses in Germany is quite important as well, so the lack of results without its use is not surprising. As Dr. W has already advised, the treatment will take longer without the mother tincture, so I am hopeful that continual use of the Bionic 880 along with the S-P nosodes will eventually yield some noticeable symptomatic shifts down the road.

Looking at the results from the energetic test, I am more encouraged than ever that I will defeat the Lyme critters one day soon. In a way, I am quite fortunate that my Lyme infection is quite localized, and that it hasn't changed much at all over all these years. That explains the absence of other symptoms such as joint pain or muscle paralysis, which I cannot be more thankful for. The Borrelia bacteria is so intelligent that they rarely go after only a small number of organ systems. Perhaps the lack of other serious coninfections is keeping my body from being too joyful of a playground for the Borrelia to roam around.

Looking ahead, I have so many encouraging options for me to choose from, such that I have to keep myself from getting too excited and jump into them too quickly. They are briefly summarized as follows:

Bionic 880
Use of the Bionic 880 along with the S-P nosodes. Down the road, I could also use my own saliva or blood as nosode as well. I am confident that it will be a significant piece of the puzzle.

The AI drops work at a deeper level than the Bionic, directly reprogramming the body's malfunctioning software at the DNA level. However, to start doing the AI drops, I have to stop using the Bionic so I could clearly distinguish its effects away from the Bionic's. This should be the next thing for me to pursue when I decide to give the Bionic 880 a break.

I have read many very promising testimonies about this very special probiotic which does an amazing job rebuilding the crippled immune system of us, the chronically ill. After all, 70% of our immune system is found in the gut.

TFX is a thymus-extract which serves to recreate or supplement the function of the thymus gland, an important part of the immune system. When I first used the TFX some 3 years ago, I herxed very badly. At the time, I didn't know what a herx reaction is, and my LLMD didn't tell me about it, so I stopped its use after only 3 shots. Until this day, the TFX is the only thing that gave me the kind of herx reaction I had, so I was confident that it was doing something productive. Besides, as the Vega test shows that my thymus is being held hostage by the Lyme bacteria, it makes a lot of sense to supplement its function. In fact, I was about to restart the use of TFX just before I found out about the Bionic. At any rate, I will keep this option open down the road as I try to phase in each treatment in a way that makes the most sense.

If I receive the S-P nosodes in my mail before Thursday, I'll head down to Lady X's place again for treatment. I will continue to share my experience here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Had my 6th treatment at 100% power today; LLMD appointment tomorrow

There was not much to report since my 5th treatment at 100% last Friday. There was no noticeable symptomatic shift during the weekend.

Today, I had my 6th treatment at 100% power. I was really hoping the S-P nosodes would arrive last Friday, but it didn't, so I was stuck with the Desbio nosodes for today's treatment.

My previously scheduled appointment with my LLMD will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. I will first have a round of energetic tests on his Vega machine, and then I'll see him to report on my experience with the Bionic over the past 3 weeks. As I said, I am actually expecting no significant changes with my Borrleia infection from the tests tomorrow, since I haven't felt any noticeable improvement compared to 3 weeks ago. However, as Lady X pointed out in our conversation, many people who had the treatment did not improve symptomatically until some time after the 6th treatment, even though their energetic test results show significant reduction in infection load after the 5th or 6th treatment.

Whatever the outcome of tomorrow's tests, I'll be ready. If the results show no change to my Borrelia infection, I will stay the course with the Bionic and hope the soon-to-arrive S-P nosodes would make a difference. In the unlikely event that the tests show the Borrelia is erradicated from my body, I will be happy but will look to treat my Mycoplasma infection next. After all, I won't be jumping up and down until I feel better, which is the very objective of the entire exercise.

Down the road, there are still many other things to do with the Bionic, such as treatment with my own saliva or my own blood as the nosode. I am still convinced that the Bionic is more than a legit treatment and will continue to pursue its use, since Lady X is gracious enough to let me do so.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Biophoton wiki page

I was just brought to the attention of the following page where a brief introduction of the subject of biophoton is given.  Biophoton is what the Bionic 880 uses to perform its magic.  


Hopefully this information could help settle the doubts of some naysayers.  

Getting ready for my 5th treatment at 100% power

I have experienced no significant symptomatic shift over the past 2 days since my previous treatment.  To say I am disappointed would be an understatement, given the experiences of the others who visited Dr. W in Germany as posted on their blogs.  Perhaps I'm really missing some sort of secret ingredient that Dr. W uses to make the treatment successful for his patients?  I have a hunch that it might be the live vials (or the mother tincture, as I was told)...

I'll be getting my 5th treatment at 100% power later this afternoon.  I'm somewhat disappointed that the S-P nosodes that I ordered still has not arrived, so I won't be able to put them to good use prior to my scheduled energetic test with my LLMD.  

As I look ahead to the appointment with my LLMD, I have to be mentally prepared to see no changes in the energetic test results.  I should not be surprised though, since there is little symtomatic relief even after 4 treatments thus far.  With 2 more treatments to go before my LLMD appointment, I am not expecting a miracle.  

Having said that, I will probably continue treatment for at least another week or two (3-4 more sessions) after my LLMD visit, hopefully with the S-P nosodes.  After that, if there is still no symtomatic shift, I will take a break for a week or so and then get started on the Allergie-Immun ("AI") drops that many on LymeNet have had great success with.  

That does not mean I'm dismissing the Bionic as a valid treatment or giving it up altogether.  Far from it, as I am still convinced that the Bionic is a significant piece of the puzzle in unlocking the Lyme stranglehold.  But I do want to bring in another weapon (a la the AI drops) to the battle and see if there would be a breakthrough.  In any case, I would certainly revisit the Bionic treatment down the road, perhaps even concurrently with the AI drops after I go through the initial round of the drops, which takes about a month.  This is of course based on the assumption that Lady X hasn't gotten sick of seeing me by that time.  :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another treatment with the Bionic

I had another treatment with the Bionic 880 yesterday.  It was my 5th treatment overall, but the 4th at 100% power.  Since I have yet to receive the S-P nosodes in my mail, I was stuck with the Desbio nosodes instead.  The treatment itself was just about the same as all the other treatments so far; i.e., nothing much worthy of reporting in terms of the way I felt.  

After the treatment, Lady X offered me a dose of the Pekana homeopathic detox drops.  The 3 bottles of the kit address one of liver, kidney, and lymph detox each.  I realized I should really do as much as I could to help my body detox during this period.  Speaking of that, after the coffee enema yesterday morning, I had total relief of the liver cramp that I had before the enema and the few days prior.  It was the first time I have noticed a significant positive effect from a coffee enema, and I was finally able to appreciate the opinions of its advocates.  

This morning, a slight hint of liver discomfort returned, so I might do another coffee enema in the afternoon.  Since it takes more than an hour to prepare for and perform the entire process, I tend to have trouble getting off my lazy lymic bum to get it done.  I will order the Pekana drops to help with my detox though, so I could get as much toxin away from my body as I could.  It's made in Germany by the way, and you know the Germans make good stuff, as Vince would say on TV.

I still have no major symptomatic shift after the many Bionic treatments so far, but I have learned to be patient, especially when I heard from Lady X yesterday that a fellow Lyme sufferer she met in Germany did not feel much better until about 2 weeks after she returned from Germany.  I have learned to let the treatment do its thing, and let the good Lord control the timing.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Time for a coffee enema

Yesterday was a bad day for me.  The brain fog and fatigue was quite debilitating.  I have also noticed that for the past couple of day, the minor cramp in my liver area has become more prominant.  I hope it is an indication of increased stress on the organ due to the need to remove toxins resulted from the Bionic 880 treatment.  If that is the case, it is no surprise that I am feeling as crappy as I was yesterday.

I'm boiling a pot of coffee as I'm typing now for my first coffee enema in a long time.  Generally I try to avoid coffee enemas because of the mess that it creates.  But I think my recent liver cramp warrants the hassle this time.  Hopefully that would help clear some of the toxins from my liver so I would be in a better shape for my Bionic treatment this afternoon. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day after my 4th Bionic treatment

Had my 4th Bionic treatment yesterday (3rd at 100%). Again, not much of an adverse reaction today, but I've learned to accept that this process will probably take longer than 6 sessions to clear the Lyme as common for people who visited Dr. W in Germany. As noted previously, this could be due to:

  1. the lack of use of the live vials,
  2. the use of the Desbio nosodes instead of the S-P nosodes that Dr. W uses, and
  3. the lack of post-treatment support IVs.

I have, however, already made an appointment with my LLMD after my scheduled 6th Bionic treatment at 100%. I will see if the Bionic has made a dent in my Lyme infection at that time. If not (the possibility of which I am bracing myself for), I will continue the Bionic treatments using the S-P nosodes from Germany, which would remove one of the variables for keeping the treatments from working.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Patience needed?

Thanks to the comments from Sixgoofykids on my last post, I was reminded of the patience that I need in this treatment process. Six was under the care of Dr. W in Germany and learned from the horse's mouth that the treatment would take longer to work without the live borrelia vials that are used at Dr. W's clinic. Having heard that, I don't feel so bad that I didn't quite herx or improve as quickly as I had hoped. The "miracle cure" that I had in mind for the Bionic 880 wasn't so realistic an expectation after all, at least not without the live vials.

I guess I'll have to bug Lady X for longer than I previously anticipated. I can't emphasize enough on her graciousness.

This morning, I'm not feeling too bad. Brain fog is there but not too debilitating. My extremities were extremly cold throughout yesterday and last night, and I eventually went into a hot bath to bring my body temperature back up in the evening. I did feel a bit of a headache after the hot bath, which was not usual for me. Perhaps my immune system was working to kick some Lyme butts bugs?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The day after treatment

Today, the day after my 3rd treatment with the Bionic (2nd at 100% power), I have not noticed any significant worsening of symptoms.  My brain fog is just as usual (no improvement compared to pre-treatment).  As such, this deviates from my previous two treatments following which I had noticeable increase in symptom intensity.  

I do wish to report that for the last week or so, I have been having an abnormal sensation in my liver / right kidney area.  It is not unpleasant, but it rather feels like a minor cramp that is barely noticeable.  It also comes and goes, rather than being a constant sensation.  

I was tested positive energetically for Lyme affecting my liver, so I don't know if my body is going after the Lyme infection there and deal with the brain later.  Wishful thinking perhaps?  But it is not inconceivable that the body exercises such intelligence once the immune system is rectified by the photons.  

As it stands, I really don't know what to make out of the Bionic treatment thus far, but I'll definitely stick with it for at least 6 sessions at 100% power.  I have also made an appointment with my LLMD to get tested on his Vega machine for Lyme after the 6th treatment, so I'll know if the Bionic did anything for me at all even if I don't feel it.

I have ordered the Borrelia Burgdorferi nosodes from Staufen-Pharma today.   Those are the exact same nosodes that Dr. W uses for his patients in Germany.  I really should have ordered them before I started treatment on the Bionic, instead of using the Desbio ones; but I'm in a rush to get well so I dove right into it with the Desbio nosodes.  Anyway, if things don't improve after a few more treatments, I would consider switching to the S-P nosodes and see if they make a difference.  It is always good to have a Plan B.

Another thing that came to mind regarding the effectiveness of the treatment as I administered it would be the use of vials with live Borrelia samples by Dr. W on his patients in Germany.  That is the one thing that I don't have the luxury of having when administering the treatments on myself at Lady X's place.  Perhaps the lack of the live sample vial on the solar plexus would take the treatment longer to produce results?  

I am not going to quickly write off this treatment as another one that I fail to respond to.  After all, I have only really had 2 treatments so far with nosodes that are frankly less than ideal.  There are simply too many success stories from fellow Lyme sufferers who's been to Germany and came back Lyme-free.  This is the most promising treatment modality that I have come across yet, and I am not changing my opinion unless I have made sure I've done everything correctly as Dr. W would.  

It is an experiment with my own body to say the least.  But then again, isn't that true with so many other treatments that I have explored so far?  Salt/C, MMS, ozone, IRT, etc... So this process is not foreign to me in any way.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My 3rd Bionic 880 Treatment

Had my 3rd Bionic 880 treatment today; my 2nd at 100% power.  

Not much to report on the treatment itself, other than the fact that I have transferred my nosodes from my fat clear vials to skinnier ones that Lady X got from eBay.  The skinnier vials are similar in size to the original amber vials that the Desbio nosodes came in.  

The reason for the transfer is so the vials could all stay closer to the center of my body (at the solar plexus), rather than being spreaded out like a belt across the bottom of my chest.  Hopefully the treatment would work better that way.

I will see if my brain fog and other symptoms get worse tomorrow.  If so, that would be a clear pattern of the Bionic 880's effect after each treatment day so far.  

On another note, I received a Lyme disease wristband from Lady X today similar to this one:

I'll make sure I wear it if I ever go camping again to remind myself and others of the reality of Lyme disease out there.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Second day after the second treatment

I am definitely feeling better this morning upon getting up, compared to yesterday.  I truly can't say if I was having a herx from the Bionic treatment yesterday, but the brain fog and mental debilitation was definitely notable.  I guess I will see if the pattern repeats after my 3rd Bionic session before drawing any conclusion.

Today, my mental clarity is better (compared to yesterday), though it is still within the range of my usual symptom level prior to the treatment, so I can't say I am improving from the Bionic treatment either.  

And since I haven't been knocked off my feet yesterday by any means, I would like to push ahead with another Bionic session tomorrow.  

By the way, I have sent in my saliva sample to Allergie-Immun for their testing and prescription of the special drops.  The sample should arrive at AI's door in about a week or two.  I'll keep you posted on that front as well.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I think it might be the herx...

Half way into the day, I think the heavy brain fog today is likely an indication that the Bionic treatment is up to something.  No crying spell or anything like that yet as warned by Lady X, but the heavy brain fog is unusual.  Normally I could sit in front of my computer throughout most of my days, but today I found that it is necessary to get away from it because my brain just couldn't quite take it.  

So I hope this is truly the effect of the Bionic treatment, but compared to the first treatment where the power level was only at 25%, I was definitely expecting more from the 100% power level treatment that I had yesterday.  I will continue to report how I feel in the hours and days to come.

Still not knocked out as I had hoped...

Upon getting up this morning, I felt my usual tireness and brain fog, though it is nothing out of the ordinary.  I am definitely fatigued, but then I couldn't tell if it has anything to do with the treatment, or just my usual symptoms manifesting themselves.  

I'm really hoping for a big whack over my head from the Bionic but I can't help but have doubts whether it will come, since I am so used to seeing treatments fail to yield any results.  The thought of the Bionic not working for me is very depressing, more so than any emotional herx could induce.

I started to wonder if it is because of the way I taped the nosodes to my body, which might not be the ideal setup because of the bigger vials that I had to use.  Lady X ordered some smaller and skinnier clear vials from eBay and is going to let me have some of them when they arrive, so I hope that would eliminate the uncertainty on that end.  But then, what if there is no result even after using those vials?  It is a depressing thought to say the least...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My 2nd Bionic 880 Treatment

I had my 2nd Bionic 880 treatment today.  This time, I increased the power level all the way to 100%, since I really wasn't sure if the bad day that I had after my first treatment was really due to the treatment itself.  As I said previously, I'd rather feel really crappy but knowing that the treatment is doing its job, than to wonder if I'm really on the right path.  

I did not feel anything out of the ordinary during the treatment today, despite the power level at 100%.  After the treatment, I was once again quite fatigued, but again I'm not sure if it's really due to the treatment itself.  After all, we lost one hour of sleep due to the change to daylight saving time.  

According to Lady X, I should be able to feel some effects from the treatment later this evening as well as tomorrow, so I'll brace myself and report if I get the sickening effects that I have been longing for (non-lymies might think I'm crazy).  Lady X is quite concerned that I might be getting hit too hard, as I am not getting the benefits of ozone and mineral IVs that Dr. Woitzel's patients usually have.  I guess I have yet to develop a true respect for the Bionic 880 machine since I haven't tasted its true power yet.  I hope this would change soon!  But then again, I could already hear many out there saying:  Be careful what you wish for!

Friday, March 6, 2009

First Day after the First Treatment

Last night, I felt a bit of soreness in my arms and legs, which are unusual for me. It is not quite the common muscle sore, but rather the deeper type that feels a bit achy as well.  It is similar to the type of soreness one gets during a fever.  Perhaps this is a good sign that my immune system is responding to the Bionic treatment that I received, despite the low power.  

At this point however, I don't want to read too much into it and attribute everything to the Bionic until I'm absolutely sure.  

I took a hot epsom salt bath and went to bed afterwards. The soreness is gone this morning, but my brain fog is at "medium-heavy" upon getting up.  It is not out of the ordinary, but definitely worse than what I have been getting in the past week or so.  Again, I don't know if it could be attributed to the Bionic.

I should step up the power level of the Bionic in my next treatment.  I much rather feel really crappy but knowing that it is induced by the Bionic treatment, than guessing and thinking that the Bionic might not work and that it might just be another bad day.  Not knowing whether a treatment is working is one of the worse stresses that we face with this dreaded disease, so knowing it would keep my spirits up despite the physical agony involved. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My First Bionic 880 Treatment

I had my first treatment with the Bionic 880 this afternoon. I was very grateful to be greeted with the warm hospitality of the lady who is allowing me to use her Bionic 880 machine. For her privacy, I will keep her anonymous for now and refer to her as "Lady X" hereafter.

When I arrived at Lady X's place, I finally had the honour of meeting her in person, as well as her husband. The Bionic 880 machine was already set up for me at the 25% of full power setting as recommended by another member on LymeNet. Normally, Dr. W would start his patients at 100% full power, but I was advised by the LymeNet member to start with 25% because that's the guideline Dr. W provided when one doesn't have the benefits of ozone and mineral IVs to support and detox the body after the Bionic treatment.

I transferred the contents of my Deseret Biologicals ("Desbio") Borrelia series nosodes from their original brown glass vials into clear sterile ones that I got from my LLMD, using a separate sterile syringe for each of the 10 bottles. That process took a while, but I was advised by Lady X that it is necessary because the treatment might not work as well when using the brown glass vials.

When all is ready, I taped all 10 vials to my solar plexus; essentially just below my sternum with all 10 vials going from left to right. The vials are larger (wider) in size than the ones that Lady X obtained and used in Germany, so it literally looked like a belt going just below my chest. It is not the ideal setup, but that's the best I could do, so I proceeded with it.

I applied the wand of the Bionic 880 on each of the 10 meridian points specific to this treatment as pioneered by Dr. W, for about 5 minutes each. I did not notice any sensation worthy of noting during the treatment, although as I mentioned in my previous post, I felt more sick than usual today even before I went to Lady X's place for the treatment. I continued my conversation with Lady X throughout the treatment, sharing some of our experiences in treating and dealing with our debilitating disease.

After the treatment, on my way home and for the next few hours, I felt very exhausted. I'm not sure if the exhaustion is caused by the treatment itself, or whether it was due to the expenditure of energy as I focused and conversed with Lady X for the 2 hours or so I spent at her place. As well, as I started out my day with more brain fog and tireness than usual, maybe my exhaustion has nothing to do with the Bionic treatment after all.

I will pay attention to the way I feel over the next 2 or 3 days and report anything worthy of noting. At 25% of full power, however, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't feel anything out of the ordinary from the treatment I had today.

On another note, I am thinking of ordering the Allergie-Immun ("AI") treatment as recommended by many on LymeNet. Lady X has already ordered it and has sent in her first saliva sample for analysis. AI appears to be a very promising modality to complement the Bionic 880, and it could very well be a significant piece of the puzzle that will get me back to full health.

Excited -- Going for my first Bionic 880 treatment soon!

I have checked with some fellow lymies under previous care of Dr. W in Germany and I am now convinced that using the nosodes from Deseret Biologicals will not give me the infections that I currently don't have (namely, Babesia and Erlichia). Logic does apply, after all.

As such, I'm going to head to my first Bionic 880 treatment this afternoon -- in less than 2 hours, in fact! To tell you I am not excited would be a lie; this is by far the most promising treatment that I have come across over the past 6+ years of suffering. It could literally be the light at the end of the tunnel!

I am not feeling too well today though, at least compared to the last few days. My brain fog is quite heavy and I'm actually getting some headache all over my head, which is not common for me. I have a hunch that it is my immune system going after the Lyme (thus resulting in a mild herx), since I have been boosting my liver's ability to detox yesterday with the liver flush. I don't know if this makes sense, but my lymie brain is too foggy to explain now.

I will report on my first treatment this evening after I come back. Hopefully I could still type by that time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baseline Test In Preparation for the Bionic Treatment

Today, I have finished the liver cleanse procedure in the morning which started yesterday.  There were plenty of green liver stones flushed from my body, and it was good to know that my liver is now going to function without their obstruction.

I visited my LLMD's clinic in the afternoon to receive a baseline test of where I stand before starting the Bionic 880 treatment.  Not only was I tested energetically on the Vega machine, but I had a couple of tubes of blood drawn as well.  I couldn't recalled all the tests that will be done on my blood, but CD-57 is one of them.

Energetically, I had an organ screen on the Vega machine, which screens my organ functions to check where and what infections are present.  I am glad to report that I once again tested negative for Babesia, which was present in my brain when I had the same test about 1.5 year ago.  I can't say for sure that the Babesia is completely gone, but at least energetically it is not showing us, which could mean it is either gone or is in a dormant state.  I tend to believe that it is gone, and that it is the result of the bottle of MMS which I consumed over the course of last year; and if that is the case, then it would be proof that MMS indeed crosses the BBB (blood-brain barrier) as rightfully claimed by its inventor Jim Humble.  Too bad it didn't touch the Lyme (Borrelia) at all though.

Other than the Babesia, the organ screen revealed that not much has changed since I took the same screen about 1.5 year earlier, although the lady who performed the screen for me commented that the Mycoplasma is not showing up as strongly as before.  I'm not sure exactly what that means; it could mean its load in my body has reduced compared to before, or that it is snoozing (in a half-dormant state).  In any case, I took it as a good sign.  In summary, the Lyme bacteria (Borrelia) and Mycoplasma are found in the following organs / systems in my body:

  • Brain
  • Thymus
  • Liver
  • Lympathic system

As you could see, the Lyme bacteria is so intelligent that it is able to put a stranglehold on my immune system (thymus) while degrading my detox pathways (liver and lymphatic) to ensure its survival.  And of course, the Lyme bacteria loves soft fatty tissues so it is literally having a party in my brain while the other three systems are compromised.  

In terms of the nosodes from Deseret Biologicals that I brought for energetic testing on the Vega machine, they didn't test very well for me.  None of the Borrelia series remedy nosodes was found to be compatible with my body, and only D15 and D12 from the Mycoplasma series remedy were found to be compatible.  That's not quite what I expected.  Frankly, I don't know what that means for me.

The lady who did the test for me did notice that the Borrelia nosodes actually contain the energies for Borrelia, Babesia, and Erlichia.  And because of that, she said the test is actually meaningless since we don't know which of the 3 my body doesn't like.  As I don't have Babesia and Erlichia, maybe the Vega machine is just saying that I don't need the nosodes because they treat all 3, while I just need 1 of the 3.  

She also warned me about using the nosodes with the Bionic 880 treatment, which I told her about earlier.  The concern is that, since I don't have Babesia and Erlichia, using the nosodes might actually induce those 2 infections on me (due to homeopathic principles of like-treats-like).

That is indeed a scary thought, as I certainly don't want to catch Babesia and Erlichia even if my Borrelia is cured.  It is hard for me to understand how I might acquire those 2 infections from 2 bottles of nosodes that are so diluted and are merely placed outside my body, but I don't want to take any chances given the power of the Bionic 880 that many attest to.  

Having said that, the Mycoplasma series remedy also contains many different strains of Mycoplasma.  It is certainly not reasonable to expect the person using those nosodes to be infected with every strain of it, so does that mean the person would be infected with all those strains that he doesn't have, while getting treated for the one(s) he does?  Logic has taken a hike here.  However, out of caution, I have consulted with the lady who will offered me to use her Bionic 880 machine, and she has promised to check with the others who have gone to Germany for the treatment.  Perhaps one of them would have the answer.

Until I get a clear answer on this uncertainty, I am holding back my first Bionic 880 treatment.  If I could have the answer in time, I will begin my first Bionic treatment tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Introduction and my Lyme History

This is my first post. I am a 30-year old male sufferer of Lyme disease in Toronto, Canada. I was bit by something (probably a tick, but I never saw the culprit) during a camping trip in the year 2000 in Earl Rowe Provincial Park, about 40-minute drive from Toronto.

I didn't realize a seemingly insignificant insect bite would change the rest of my life forever. After I came back from the camping trip, I had a really red and itchy rash (though not a typical bulls-eye rash for Lyme) which spreaded from the top of my right foot up onto my lower leg. The rash spreaded quickly, but subsided after I went to my GP and took some sort of anti-fungal for a week.

But I soon started to feel deterioration in my cognitive function and my ability to concentrate. Long story short, the neurological symptoms progressively got worse and over the course of the next 2 to 3 years, I have developed major neurological problems, the followings being the most debilitating symptoms (in no particular order) that brought my quality of life down to its knees:

  • Brain fog
  • Mental exhaustion (would never feel refreshed despite tons of sleep)
  • Difficulty concentrating, thinking, and focusing my vision
  • Attention deficit
  • Depression (chemical imbalance in my brain deprives my ability to feel happy)
  • Central sleep apnea
  • Cold extremities
  • Shortness of breath, air hunger, feeling of oxygen deprivation in my brain
  • Not feeling like my old self
  • Easily irritable
  • The feeling of not really being present in reality, but rather feeling like I'm seeing reality happen as if seeing a movie

Those symptoms were difficult to describe to a doctor and it was no wonder I was sent to various specialists such as psychiatrists for evaluation in my early years of searching for an answer. It took me 2 full years of seeing numerous specialists and doctors before I was fortunate enough to be tested positive for Lyme disease through a blood test. It was an extremely difficult journey to keep pressing on when all those "experts" kept telling you that you are perfectly healthy. I'm sure you know what I mean if you have been tormented by this dreaded disease.

Amazingly, by the grace of God, I am one of the few Lyme suffers who do not have any symptoms involving my muscle-skeletal system. I have no pain whatsoever in any part of my body due to this disease, and I have no paralysis of any sort which I found many fellow Lyme sufferers have. I am thankful, but at the same time that makes it that much harder for people to understand how you could be so sick that you cannot even work to support your family and are home-bound all day. It is a reality that nobody could truly comprehend except when they have walked the Lyme path themself.

The followings are treatments that I have tried over the years to address my Lyme infection, but with little or no success:

  • Antibiotics rotational therpy (IV & oral): 2005 to 2006
  • Salt & Vitamin C protocol (up to 18 grams salt/C daily): 2006 to 2007
  • Ozone auto-hemotherapy and rectal insufflation: 2007
  • Marshall protocol / Benicar therapy: 2007
  • Heavy metal chelation as per Dr. Cutler: 2007-2008
  • IRT (Immune Response Training): 2008
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): 2008
  • Foot-nerve therapy: 2008
  • MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution): 2008

Which brings me to today and the Bionic 880. The Bionic 880 treatment was brought to my attention by a fellow Lyme sufferer who is also located in Toronto. Though I have never met this lady in person, I could tell from her voice on the phone that she was in a much worse shape than me. She made a trip to Germany earlier this year and came back to report significant improvements and also brought back a Bionic 880 machine so she could continue treatments here.

I am extremely grateful for the offer that was made to me to use her machine, though I will be doing so without the professional medical support that she had from Dr. W and his associates when she was in Germany. Since I cannot afford a trip to Germany for the full treatment package (involing ozone and mineral IVs, etc.), I am going to dive right into it while following a strict detox protocol which I have learned over the years of being a lymie. Hopefully that would minimize the effect of the bacterial die-off and heavy metal released when the critters are killed. The detox protocol that I intend to follow is as follows:

Prior to the first treatment:

  • Liver flush (protocol here)

During the treatment period:

  • Milk thistle (2 capsules before each meal)
  • Bentonite Clay (1 tablespoon before meal)
  • Chlorella (3 pills after each meal)
  • Activated charcoal (2 tsp before bedtime)
  • Daily sauna
  • Daily coffee enema

In preparation for the Bionic 880 treatments, I have ordered and received the Borrelia series remedy and Mycoplasma series remedy from Deseret Biologicals (www.desbio.com). I was previously tested positive enegetically (by a Vega machine) for Borrelia, Babesia, and Mycoplasma, though the latest test conducted last Wednesday showed that I am no longer positive for Babesia. I don't know if that is due to the bottle of MMS which I went through last year, but I am glad that I'm dealing with one less hurdle.

I will be going to my LLMD to test on his Vega machine again with the Borrelia and Mycoplasma nosodes tomorrow, as well as getting some blood work done such as CD-57. The results would be a baseline of where I stand before the Bionic 880 treatments. My LLMD has agreed to track my progress through both energetic and blood tests as he is very interested to see what the treatment could do.

I will keep you posted.