Today, I have finished the liver cleanse procedure in the morning which started yesterday. There were plenty of green liver stones flushed from my body, and it was good to know that my liver is now going to function without their obstruction.
I visited my LLMD's clinic in the afternoon to receive a baseline test of where I stand before starting the Bionic 880 treatment. Not only was I tested energetically on the Vega machine, but I had a couple of tubes of blood drawn as well. I couldn't recalled all the tests that will be done on my blood, but CD-57 is one of them.
Energetically, I had an organ screen on the Vega machine, which screens my organ functions to check where and what infections are present. I am glad to report that I once again tested negative for Babesia, which was present in my brain when I had the same test about 1.5 year ago. I can't say for sure that the Babesia is completely gone, but at least energetically it is not showing us, which could mean it is either gone or is in a dormant state. I tend to believe that it is gone, and that it is the result of the bottle of MMS which I consumed over the course of last year; and if that is the case, then it would be proof that MMS indeed crosses the BBB (blood-brain barrier) as rightfully claimed by its inventor Jim Humble. Too bad it didn't touch the Lyme (Borrelia) at all though.
Other than the Babesia, the organ screen revealed that not much has changed since I took the same screen about 1.5 year earlier, although the lady who performed the screen for me commented that the Mycoplasma is not showing up as strongly as before. I'm not sure exactly what that means; it could mean its load in my body has reduced compared to before, or that it is snoozing (in a half-dormant state). In any case, I took it as a good sign. In summary, the Lyme bacteria (Borrelia) and Mycoplasma are found in the following organs / systems in my body:
- Brain
- Thymus
- Liver
- Lympathic system
As you could see, the Lyme bacteria is so intelligent that it is able to put a stranglehold on my immune system (thymus) while degrading my detox pathways (liver and lymphatic) to ensure its survival. And of course, the Lyme bacteria loves soft fatty tissues so it is literally having a party in my brain while the other three systems are compromised.
In terms of the nosodes from Deseret Biologicals that I brought for energetic testing on the Vega machine, they didn't test very well for me. None of the Borrelia series remedy nosodes was found to be compatible with my body, and only D15 and D12 from the Mycoplasma series remedy were found to be compatible. That's not quite what I expected. Frankly, I don't know what that means for me.
The lady who did the test for me did notice that the Borrelia nosodes actually contain the energies for Borrelia, Babesia, and Erlichia. And because of that, she said the test is actually meaningless since we don't know which of the 3 my body doesn't like. As I don't have Babesia and Erlichia, maybe the Vega machine is just saying that I don't need the nosodes because they treat all 3, while I just need 1 of the 3.
She also warned me about using the nosodes with the Bionic 880 treatment, which I told her about earlier. The concern is that, since I don't have Babesia and Erlichia, using the nosodes might actually induce those 2 infections on me (due to homeopathic principles of like-treats-like).
That is indeed a scary thought, as I certainly don't want to catch Babesia and Erlichia even if my Borrelia is cured. It is hard for me to understand how I might acquire those 2 infections from 2 bottles of nosodes that are so diluted and are merely placed outside my body, but I don't want to take any chances given the power of the Bionic 880 that many attest to.
Having said that, the Mycoplasma series remedy also contains many different strains of Mycoplasma. It is certainly not reasonable to expect the person using those nosodes to be infected with every strain of it, so does that mean the person would be infected with all those strains that he doesn't have, while getting treated for the one(s) he does? Logic has taken a hike here. However, out of caution, I have consulted with the lady who will offered me to use her Bionic 880 machine, and she has promised to check with the others who have gone to Germany for the treatment. Perhaps one of them would have the answer.
Until I get a clear answer on this uncertainty, I am holding back my first Bionic 880 treatment. If I could have the answer in time, I will begin my first Bionic treatment tomorrow afternoon.