Saturday, March 28, 2009

First Bionic 880 treatment with Staufen-Pharma Bb nosodes

I received the S-P nosodes that I ordered from Germany in the mail yesterday. As such, I brought them over to Lady X's place for my first treatment with them this afternoon.

I prepared the S-P nosodes by lining them up and then taping them together, so I would just need to tape the whole batch to my solar plexus during the treatments. I placed the ampule with the lowest dilution (D5) at the center, and the ones with the highest dilution at the ends (D100 one side, D200 the other). This is the best I could do to mimic what Dr. W uses in his clinic in Germany, which starts with the mother tincture right at the middle of the solar plexus.

No major reaction during and after my first treatment with the S-P nosodes so far. I will post any significant reaction in the days to come.

On another note, I am encouraged to hear that two relatively high profile members of the chronic Lyme community will be going to Germany for the Bionic 880 treatment in the very near future. Both of them, Troy Cline and Connie Stasheim, have promised to post regular updates during their trip in Germany. In particular, Connie's blog can be found at:

I wish them the very best with the Bionic 880.