October 8, Treatment #3:
Like the last entry, this one is actually written on Oct 9, one day after Treatment #3.
The treatment itself was pretty much the exact same thing as Treatment #2. After the treatment, I was quite tired again, and my wife and I went back to our room in the Klein Guesthouse where I crashed into bed right away. My fatigue was partly due to the fact that we got up extra early at 6:30am in the morning for the early appointment at the clinic. We actually made an appointment for my wife to test for Lyme and co-infections. I was worried that I might have passes it onto her over the years, though she has no symptoms whatsoever.
Thankfully, she literally blew past every test on the Bicom that Dr. W threw at her. She tested negative for all of the Lyme infections that I have. That was quite a relief.
In the evening, my energy level was quite low initially and I slumped in the living room sofa to watch tv. After a hot shower later in the night, I was actually feeling ok; ie, not more tired than I usually would be. I was actually hoping to feel more miserable!
This morning (the day after the treatment), I got up feeling about the same as any other day. In another words, not particular worse and no noticeable reaction from the treatment, but the same level of brain fog that I would normally have. I felt as if the treatments didn't get me any better (or worse, for that matter).
Again, I was quite discouraged. Dr. W said I must have a reaction after the 3rd treatment or else something is not right. He said it might be an indication that there is too much EMF interfering with the treatment as one possibility. However, I'm staying in Dobel at the top of the mountain with no Wi-Fi and our cell phones turned off. It just doesn't make sense that EMF is in fact the reason.
Bumped into Karin later in the morning and I told her about my lack of reaction to the treatment. She assured me that most people that came to Dr. W with Lyme would get better or recover after the treatments. The only exceptions being ones who were sick because of something else other than Lyme. I really don't want to be the first patient of Dr. W to fail to get well!!! Anyway, Karin offered to call the clinic for me to let them know that I didn't have much of a reaction after Treatment #3. Hopefully this would lead Dr. W to trying something different for me during my next visit on Thursday.
Karin also lend me the 2 Lyme books that Connie Strasheim wrote and gave to her as gifts (with autograph no less!). I read the chapter on Dr. W's Bionic 880 treatment, which helped renewed my faith in him. I learned that he's a great researcher who pioneered this treatment and am confident that he will not hesitate to go out of the box to try something different for me if that turned out to be necessary. He has seen over 1,000 patients with Lyme and compiled research data on photon treatment from them, which I believe earned him the experience he needs to tackle even the most difficult cases.
We'll see what the next appointment brings.
12 years ago