- No change in my Borrelia (Lyme) infection compared to 3 weeks ago
- Mycoplasma disappeared from two organ systems (lungs and thymus) compared to 3 weeks ago
- Still no sign of Babesia
The following organ systems are still affected by Borrelia:
- Hypothalemus (brain)
- Cerbrum regio motor (brain)
- Liver
- Thymus
- Lympatic system
The following organ areas are currently affected by Mycoplasma:
- Liver
- Lympatic system
I am not at all surprised by the lack of shift in my Borrelia infection, though I wasn't quite expecting the disappearance of Mycoplasma from my lungs and thymus. I have never experienced any problem with my lungs or thymus since fallen ill some 6 years ago, so the results don't mean too much to me. Moreover, the results could merely be indicating that the Mycoplasma has gone dormant in those two organ systems, so I won't consider them as the final verdict until future tests reveal their absence on a consistent basis.
At any rate, it is a positive development nonetheless, as is the absence of Babesia once again indicated by the test. I am now confident to declare that the bottle of MMS that I consumed last year has eliminated my Babeseosis. This is no small feat in itself, considering neither 2 bottles of Mepron nor countless capsules of Artemisinin failed to cut it. This is a testiment to the powerful effects that MMS has on malaria-type infections. Too bad it is not powerful enough to kill the Borrelia spirochetes.
There was a part of me that was hoping for a miracle from today's Vega test showing that I am cleared of Lyme, or at least having it cleared from some of my organ systems, but that didn't happen. I wasn't disappointed or discouraged, however. As the Vega machine does not have the capability to quantify the infection level in my body, and I didn't have the S-P nosodes with me to serve as gauge, I cannot rule out the possibility that my Lyme bacterial load has been reduced over the 3 past weeks of Bionic use.
Later, when I sat down with my LLMD and talked to him about the test results, his thought is that it is certainly better to use the S-P nosodes that deal with only Borrelia, instead of using the Desbio nosodes which deal with Borrelia, Babesia, and Erlichia. Also, he thinks that the live vial or mother tincture (undiluted nosode) that Dr. W uses in Germany is quite important as well, so the lack of results without its use is not surprising. As Dr. W has already advised, the treatment will take longer without the mother tincture, so I am hopeful that continual use of the Bionic 880 along with the S-P nosodes will eventually yield some noticeable symptomatic shifts down the road.
Looking at the results from the energetic test, I am more encouraged than ever that I will defeat the Lyme critters one day soon. In a way, I am quite fortunate that my Lyme infection is quite localized, and that it hasn't changed much at all over all these years. That explains the absence of other symptoms such as joint pain or muscle paralysis, which I cannot be more thankful for. The Borrelia bacteria is so intelligent that they rarely go after only a small number of organ systems. Perhaps the lack of other serious coninfections is keeping my body from being too joyful of a playground for the Borrelia to roam around.
Looking ahead, I have so many encouraging options for me to choose from, such that I have to keep myself from getting too excited and jump into them too quickly. They are briefly summarized as follows:
Bionic 880
Use of the Bionic 880 along with the S-P nosodes. Down the road, I could also use my own saliva or blood as nosode as well. I am confident that it will be a significant piece of the puzzle.
The AI drops work at a deeper level than the Bionic, directly reprogramming the body's malfunctioning software at the DNA level. However, to start doing the AI drops, I have to stop using the Bionic so I could clearly distinguish its effects away from the Bionic's. This should be the next thing for me to pursue when I decide to give the Bionic 880 a break.
I have read many very promising testimonies about this very special probiotic which does an amazing job rebuilding the crippled immune system of us, the chronically ill. After all, 70% of our immune system is found in the gut.
TFX is a thymus-extract which serves to recreate or supplement the function of the thymus gland, an important part of the immune system. When I first used the TFX some 3 years ago, I herxed very badly. At the time, I didn't know what a herx reaction is, and my LLMD didn't tell me about it, so I stopped its use after only 3 shots. Until this day, the TFX is the only thing that gave me the kind of herx reaction I had, so I was confident that it was doing something productive. Besides, as the Vega test shows that my thymus is being held hostage by the Lyme bacteria, it makes a lot of sense to supplement its function. In fact, I was about to restart the use of TFX just before I found out about the Bionic. At any rate, I will keep this option open down the road as I try to phase in each treatment in a way that makes the most sense.
If I receive the S-P nosodes in my mail before Thursday, I'll head down to Lady X's place again for treatment. I will continue to share my experience here.