This is my first post. I am a 30-year old male sufferer of Lyme disease in Toronto, Canada. I was bit by something (probably a tick, but I never saw the culprit) during a camping trip in the year 2000 in Earl Rowe Provincial Park, about 40-minute drive from Toronto.
I didn't realize a seemingly insignificant insect bite would change the rest of my life forever. After I came back from the camping trip, I had a really red and itchy rash (though not a typical bulls-eye rash for Lyme) which spreaded from the top of my right foot up onto my lower leg. The rash spreaded quickly, but subsided after I went to my GP and took some sort of anti-fungal for a week.
But I soon started to feel deterioration in my cognitive function and my ability to concentrate. Long story short, the neurological symptoms progressively got worse and over the course of the next 2 to 3 years, I have developed major neurological problems, the followings being the most debilitating symptoms (in no particular order) that brought my quality of life down to its knees:
- Brain fog
- Mental exhaustion (would never feel refreshed despite tons of sleep)
- Difficulty concentrating, thinking, and focusing my vision
- Attention deficit
- Depression (chemical imbalance in my brain deprives my ability to feel happy)
- Central sleep apnea
- Cold extremities
- Shortness of breath, air hunger, feeling of oxygen deprivation in my brain
- Not feeling like my old self
- Easily irritable
- The feeling of not really being present in reality, but rather feeling like I'm seeing reality happen as if seeing a movie
Those symptoms were difficult to describe to a doctor and it was no wonder I was sent to various specialists such as psychiatrists for evaluation in my early years of searching for an answer. It took me 2 full years of seeing numerous specialists and doctors before I was fortunate enough to be tested positive for Lyme disease through a blood test. It was an extremely difficult journey to keep pressing on when all those "experts" kept telling you that you are perfectly healthy. I'm sure you know what I mean if you have been tormented by this dreaded disease.
Amazingly, by the grace of God, I am one of the few Lyme suffers who do not have any symptoms involving my muscle-skeletal system. I have no pain whatsoever in any part of my body due to this disease, and I have no paralysis of any sort which I found many fellow Lyme sufferers have. I am thankful, but at the same time that makes it that much harder for people to understand how you could be so sick that you cannot even work to support your family and are home-bound all day. It is a reality that nobody could truly comprehend except when they have walked the Lyme path themself.
The followings are treatments that I have tried over the years to address my Lyme infection, but with little or no success:
- Antibiotics rotational therpy (IV & oral): 2005 to 2006
- Salt & Vitamin C protocol (up to 18 grams salt/C daily): 2006 to 2007
- Ozone auto-hemotherapy and rectal insufflation: 2007
- Marshall protocol / Benicar therapy: 2007
- Heavy metal chelation as per Dr. Cutler: 2007-2008
- IRT (Immune Response Training): 2008
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): 2008
- Foot-nerve therapy: 2008
- MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution): 2008
Which brings me to today and the Bionic 880. The Bionic 880 treatment was brought to my attention by a fellow Lyme sufferer who is also located in Toronto. Though I have never met this lady in person, I could tell from her voice on the phone that she was in a much worse shape than me. She made a trip to Germany earlier this year and came back to report significant improvements and also brought back a Bionic 880 machine so she could continue treatments here.
I am extremely grateful for the offer that was made to me to use her machine, though I will be doing so without the professional medical support that she had from Dr. W and his associates when she was in Germany. Since I cannot afford a trip to Germany for the full treatment package (involing ozone and mineral IVs, etc.), I am going to dive right into it while following a strict detox protocol which I have learned over the years of being a lymie. Hopefully that would minimize the effect of the bacterial die-off and heavy metal released when the critters are killed. The detox protocol that I intend to follow is as follows:
Prior to the first treatment:
- Liver flush (protocol here)
During the treatment period:
- Milk thistle (2 capsules before each meal)
- Bentonite Clay (1 tablespoon before meal)
- Chlorella (3 pills after each meal)
- Activated charcoal (2 tsp before bedtime)
- Daily sauna
- Daily coffee enema
In preparation for the Bionic 880 treatments, I have ordered and received the Borrelia series remedy and Mycoplasma series remedy from Deseret Biologicals ( I was previously tested positive enegetically (by a Vega machine) for Borrelia, Babesia, and Mycoplasma, though the latest test conducted last Wednesday showed that I am no longer positive for Babesia. I don't know if that is due to the bottle of MMS which I went through last year, but I am glad that I'm dealing with one less hurdle.
I will be going to my LLMD to test on his Vega machine again with the Borrelia and Mycoplasma nosodes tomorrow, as well as getting some blood work done such as CD-57. The results would be a baseline of where I stand before the Bionic 880 treatments. My LLMD has agreed to track my progress through both energetic and blood tests as he is very interested to see what the treatment could do.
I will keep you posted.