October 4, Treatment #2
I'm actually writing this on October 5, the day after my second photon treatment. Yesterday, in addition to the photon treatment, Dr. W ordered an ozone treatment for me as well, which followed right after the photon treatment. As for the photon treatment itself, I had 3 glass vials taped to my solar plexus -- the two from the first treatment, as well as a small vial of my own blood.
After the ozone treatment, which took about 300mL of my blood and then mixed it with ozone before putting it back into my body, I also had the same IV injections as last time. The whole visit took almost 5 hours from start to finish.
After the treatment, I felt quite drained and exhausted for the rest of the day. Before we went back to the Klein Guesthouse, my wife and I walked around Pforzhiem for a bit and did some grocery shopping. I was really sick by the end of it and couldn't do anything but lie on the couch and watch TV after I got back to the guesthouse.
This morning (the morning after treatment #2), I got up as usual but didn't feel any improvement at all. Same brain fog, but not particularly herxy. I was getting quite worried that the treatment might not be working for me, as I was expecting a stronger reaction as indication that the treatment is working for me. I was getting literally quite depressed, and my wife noticed that and comforted me, asking me not to give up even if it turns out to not work. It's only the second treatment after all, as she cheered me to be hopeful for the remaining treatments.
We went out to drive around nearby towns in the Black Forest. I noticed I was quite drained throughout. Perhaps the treatment is causing a reaction after all, but it's just not as intense as I thought. Later in the day, I also noticed a bit of headache which I don't usually get. I took that as a good sign...
I just hope these are "productive" herxes that would result in me feeling better afterwards. I was hoping to get something more intense like night sweats that some others talked about, but I guess those might not apply to me...
12 years ago
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